Based on your answers, it’s possible you are not a candidate for Dental Members Australia

The cost of a single dental implant would be more than $2000.

The average fees for complex cases is between $36,500 โ€“ $42,500, but in extremely rare and complex cases could be higher.

Remember our goal is to provide you with an outcome that can last a lifetime. We realize you are making a major investment in not only your health, but your overall well-being. That is why we will do what is necessary to ensure long term results, not short-term fixes.

 *All fees estimated by Dental Members Australia

If you still think, you would need more clarity.

Call us on our number 02 9188 8707

During the call we can answer any questions you might have.

๐Ÿฅ We’re located at

Level 8, 183 Macquarie Street Sydney CBD 2000

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